Friday 27 June 2008

Let the domain name games begin

Another Big Bang for the Internet
Image courtesy woodleywonderworks

In a story with the excellent headline "Internet body approves domain name big bang," Agence France-Press reports that ICANN, the Internet naming authority, will now allow an essentially unlimited number of Internet addresses to be created and registered.

This seems likely to herald the end of ".com" as we know it -- why append that silly and now mostly meaningless suffix when you could have a nice, specific site address, instead?  Home.ebay, or or  How about Graumans.chinese, or taqueria.chihuahua or, wherecanIbuy.a.hummer? 

Maybe people will even create new URLs just for one-time news events: BillGates.later, Guns.R.Legal, HolyCrap.They.Caught.A.GreatWhite. 

Feel free to leave some suggestions in the comments.

See Also