Friday 27 June 2008

Let the domain name games begin

Another Big Bang for the Internet
Image courtesy woodleywonderworks

In a story with the excellent headline "Internet body approves domain name big bang," Agence France-Press reports that ICANN, the Internet naming authority, will now allow an essentially unlimited number of Internet addresses to be created and registered.

This seems likely to herald the end of ".com" as we know it -- why append that silly and now mostly meaningless suffix when you could have a nice, specific site address, instead?  Home.ebay, or or  How about Graumans.chinese, or taqueria.chihuahua or, wherecanIbuy.a.hummer? 

Maybe people will even create new URLs just for one-time news events: BillGates.later, Guns.R.Legal, HolyCrap.They.Caught.A.GreatWhite. 

Feel free to leave some suggestions in the comments.

See Also

Sunday 22 June 2008

Mario Puzo's Son Sues Paramount

Mario Puzo's son Anthony has filed suit in Los Angeles against Paramount Pictures, claiming that his father's estate has not received royalties from a 2006 Electronics Arts video game based on The Godfather's book and movie. The lawsuit claims that a deal between Mario Puzo and Paramount signed in 1992 called for Puzo to receive a "significant share" of revenue from any products that included elements of The Godfather films. Paramount had no comment on the lawsuit.

See Also

Saturday 14 June 2008

Could Britney Win an Emmy?

After one all-too-brief season of Britney & Kevin: Chaotic, who would have ever thought that someday you might hear an awards presenter say, "And the Emmy goes to... Britney Spears"? Well, the pop star has come one step closer to making that into a reality with her inclusion on the ballot of possible Emmy nominees.

For her double-shot guest appearance as Abby on CBS hit How I Met Your Mother, Brit-Brit is one of 41 actresses on the official ballot released by the Academy of Television
Arts & Sciences to its voters. Keep in mind, this is the list that is whittled down to the final nominees for the September ceremony.

Other notable names also up for Academy consideration are Sarah Silverman for her guest shot on Monk; Ashlee Olsen, who won over many Weeds fans during her extended run as a pot-dealing Christian on the Showtime hit; Alyssa Milano for her role as Billie on My Name is Earl; and Scrubs star Sarah Chalke, who is on the ballot for guest-starring as Brit's boss on How I Met Your Mother.

We'll find out just how well Britney fared when the final nominees for this year's Emmys are announced later this summer.

See Also

Sunday 8 June 2008

Songs from Once on Oscars longlist

Two songs from the Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova-starring Irish film 'Once' are being considered for inclusion on the shortlist for Best Original Song at the 80th Academy Awards.
The songs on the longlist from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences are 'Falling Slowly' and 'If You Want Me'.
Last week 'Falling Slowly' was nominated in the Best Compilation Soundtrack Album and Best Song Written for Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media categories for the Grammy Awards.
The Oscars longlist also has another Irish link: Jonathan Rhys Meyers' rendition of the song 'This Time' from his new film 'August Rush' is also among the 59 tracks being considered.
The Oscar nominees will be announced on Tuesday, 22 January 2008.